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Fixing Microsoft Office Setup Installation Error 1401,xx02, xx06?

First announced by Bill Gates on August 1988, Microsoft Office incorporates a set of applications, packages, and services. The first version of this popular office package contained only MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Word for creating spreadsheets, presentations, and documents.

The initial release was compatible with the Windows OS, but later on it its reach to both Windows O/S and Mac O/S. Now the Microsoft office suite includes MS Access, MS Outlook, MS OneNote, MS Publisher, MS Project and more along with those already available in the market. Downloading, installing and configuring MS Office is not a difficult job they are very easy to install. A user with basic knowledge of the internet can easily install the complete package from the Microsoft official website. At times, you may encounter an error while performing any of these operations. Though there are a number of such bugs yet 1401, 1402 and 1406 have been at the top of that list.

Office Setup Error Codes with Explanation

During installation when you got these errors then it has become mandatory to know what these codes stand for. Error 1401 occurs when the setup is unable to create the make registry key, error 1402 occurs if the setup is not able to open the registry key means REGEDIT and the last error 1406 occurs when Office setup is unable to write values to the registry key.

What makes these errors to appear?

You may encounter 1406 error if the system Office installation files do not all or to have the permission to change or modify specific files in the main drive which is C drive. If you attempt to do so, it could also raise a number of other errors as well. The other reason could be the inaccessible or corrupted registry files.

Solutions to Office Setup Errors

There are four different ways of solving these troubleshooting issues causing a halt in the installation of Microsoft Office setup. You can choose anyone from the following:

Answer 1

Group of registry sub-keys, which are displayed in the error message, simply set the permission for everyone to Full Access.

Answer 2

With the Error 1406, simply disable or uninstall all the third-party utilities and applications and retry installing the Office suite with the fresh installation. Once the setup is successfully installed, enable or install the third-party application again.

Answer 3

Open the system into a “Safe Mode” state and then try to install the Office Setup. This will automatically run with the minimum programs required other than the third-party application that is causing the halt in the installation of the Office suite setup. These third-party applications don’t let the setup access registry key that start the installation.

Answer 4

In the case of Microsoft Office 2007, Office 2003 and Office XP, it may happen that the license file may get corrupted. The license key cannot be removed by re-installing or re-activation the Office setup. For this, you need to delete the license key entirely with the following specific instructions of Fix Solution. Once you fix these errors, you can begin the installation without any issue. Peter Johnson is a passionate writer who loves to write about the latest technologies updates, software, antivirus and more.

After entering product key on facing the problem.


After purchasing office you need to visit to install and we provide technical services help in office setup support on your Computer.

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