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What is the paper work Involved in selling or buying a used phone online?

The Smartphones now days and specially the latest ones are more likely to seen as the handheld computers rather than phones, due to the powerhouse they have become that allows then a computer capability, extensive memory, larger screens and specially the most important operating systems. Even the platforms are increase as Android, Apple’s IOS, Blackberry’s RIM, Symbian and windows (windows Mobile 6.0 and latest Windows 7).

Which means new phones after every few weeks that bring excitement for purchasing a new phone and selling old ones? As the technology is increased so does the online market now mostly selling and buying is done online on different websites. Today we will go through if there is any paper work involved in selling or buying a used phone online?

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Paperwork while buying used stuff is often ignored, though it’s imperative to ascertain that due documentation is done on closing the trade. The following are the important steps involved.

– Original Invoice
Not only original Invoices, but when it comes to trading for used stuff, you should always ask for the original invoice or you can also ask seller (when you are purchasing phone) to send you the invoice via email so you can have an e-copy of it. This establishes the seller is the rightful owner of the phone and it’s not a grey market or stolen piece. In case there’s a warranty, the invoice would help you with that as well.

–  Plain Paper Agreement
Though this is not a ‘legal document’, this may serve you several purposes
– Establishing payment (in case transaction is on cash, better still, if it is through bank transfer or wallet)
– Self deceleration by the seller that he’s the rightful owner and he’s consenting with trade it.
– The document much carry the IMEI number of the phone, make & model, and deceleration that it’s being sold by the ‘seller’ to the ‘buyer’ and seller is the rightful owner of the device. Finally, the mode and amount of payment. Copies of the consent form signed by both parties, and a signed copy with each party.This can save you a lot of hassle in case of any glitches.

It’s imperative that the trade is in a trusted platform, where you can trust the seller. Better still if you know him through mutual friends, workplace or residence. In case you’re picking it up from a random classifieds platform, they are aggressively used.

As you can say there is just a few amount of paper work which is not necessary but important for buyer and seller both, if you just go to search engine and search forsell my iPhone online, sell my Samsung s7 or sell my old phoneetc. you will find a lot of website that will be giving you the solutions ads posted by the similar search key wordsI want to sell my mobile phone online but even when you will be done with the purchase there won’t be any paper work details expect the personal information form and invoice which is lately emailed.

If you are going to buy used phone here are some tips and paperwork involved. Now we will tell you all the tips below which is one of the best to buy a great used smartphone, and not just mobile phones but we will try to cover tablets as well. Let’s get started.

-Know what you’re looking for
This is where you need to know what are you going to buy even before you start searching for it. This doesn’t mean you should be planning the exact model butyou at least which year or which serious you are going to buy must be known by you.Starting with the minimum amount of specifications you are looking for and specifying it with the Android phones only.Also think about what screen size will suit your needs, and how much you can afford to spend. This will lessen your choices to a less amount of used phones.

-Inspecting the phone
this paragraph is only for the people those who are buying these phones in person.However, the tips below are also useful when you get the phone in the mail. They will help you detect problems early, so you can either walk away from the deal when buying a used phone in person, or start the process of getting your money back if you already bought it. Stuff to bring with you for the inspection:

  • A battery pack or a laptop, as well as a charging cable
  • A micro SD card if the phone supports it
  • Headphones
  • An active SIM card that is compatible with the phone you are testing

Before booting the phone there are some steps you need to look at it. Firstly start with the screen check it as much as you can that it is scratch free. If the phone is having some physical key or buttons into it test as much as you can so you are satisfied with the condition of the buttons. The most important feature camera, do check it physically both front and rear camera that it is not damage.

-Negotiating the deal
now is the time where things get serious, but before you start negotiating on the pricing you have to know that is the maximum amount you can pay for this kind of phone or tablet.The first offer you give the seller should always be lower than what you’re willing to pay. So if you are unable to close the deal instantlyand then start increasing the amount you are offering gradually till the deal is closed or you reached you maximum limit.

So I must say that there is no as such paper work in buying or selling used phone online but you can use the tips and paperwork described above for secure and hassle free sell and buying. You could always consider using platforms like sellanymobile, currently market leader in verified used goods marketplaces.



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